Home » Reptiles » DIY Stackable Reptile Enclosure
Image Credit: beardeddragon.org
Pet Types: Reptiles
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DIY Stackable Reptile Enclosure

Construct a reptile enclosure that can be stacked! Cut pieces of wood for the box and for the support rails. Attach a support rail across each side of the base with an additional rail across the middle using metal brackets and wood glue. Attach the frame boards for the walls of the box vertically onto the frame of the platform, attach the frame boards for the top onto the vertical supports, then attach the walls to the frame. Cut out a hole from either small side of the box and attach pieces of perforated aluminum for ventilation. Make a rock wall inside the habitat by stacking pieces of Styrofoam, and covering the Styrofoam with grout. Attach a perforated metal rod across the top center of the box longways and mount lights onto the rod. Paint and seal the rock structure, paint and seal the wood of the box and install sliding tracks for the glass wall along the front edges of the box. Make additional vivariums to stack on top of the first.

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