Home » Exotics » DIY Hermit Crab Skate Park
Image Credit: sargespeaksout.blogspot.com
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DIY Hermit Crab Skate Park

Create a skate park for your hermit crab to visit! Get an extra aquarium or storage bin that can easily become a park for your crabs. Cover the base of the container with sand. Find a Tupperware lid that has a platform-like shape and put the lid on one side of the park. Draw a shape on a piece of foam board, cut out the shape, cut a matching shape from a piece of colorful poster board and use non-toxic glue to attach the poster board onto the foam board. Set the homemade skate ramp on the other side of the park and furnish the park with decorations, such as small flags or plants, as well as any items your crabs may need, such as small dishes of water. Set a finger skateboard on each of the park ramps, put your crabs in the park and supervise your crabs while they play and explore.

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