Home » Cats » PVC Cat Hammock
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Pet Types: Cats
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PVC Cat Hammock

Make a hammock and play area for your cat! Determine the size needed for the hammock. Cut four pieces of PVC pipe to make a square the necessary size, cut four matching pieces, and cut four smaller pieces to the necessary height. Use three-prong PVC connectors to assemble the columns on the rails, then use elbow connectors to assemble the rails. Cut two squares of fabric for the hammock with a matching size square of padding. Sew the two fabrics with the wrong sides together, leaving a hole along one corner, set the padding on the hammock and fold the fabric over the padding to put the right sides of the fabric outward. Sew a small piece of rope or ribbon to each corner and use the ropes to tie the hammock onto the PVC frame. Hang toys around the sides of the hammock for your cat to enjoy.

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