Home » Aquatics » DIY Aquarium Pipe Bridge
Image Credit: bio-elite.co.za
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DIY Aquarium Pipe Bridge

Provide your fish with access to more than one tank! Cut a piece of clear PVC pipe to the desired length and attach a PVC elbow connector with rubber seals on either end of the pipe. Attach a piece of PVC pipe into the other ends of the elbows and attach a threaded PVC end cap onto either pipe. Bend a piece of aluminum flat bar to have legs so that it can stand on the support glass on the top of your aquarium. If your aquarium does not have support glass, lay a sturdy board across one side of the tank. Put a rubber pad on the bottom of each leg of the flat bar, attach a pipe bracket onto the top of the flat bar, then attach the pipe bracket around the bridge. Remove the end caps on either side of the bridge, turn the bridge upside-down, fill it with water, then replace the end caps. Turn the bridge upright, position it on the aquariums and remove the end caps once both sides of the bridge are under water.

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