Home » Birds » DIY Bird Pinata
Image Credit: talkcockatiels.com
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DIY Bird Pinata

Make a pinata toy for your birds! Blow up a balloon to the desired size for the pinata. Stir some flour and water together to make a glue, cut strips of newspaper, then wipe both sides of a newspaper strip with the flour glue and wrap it around the balloon. Continue adding strips until the balloon is covered, let the newspaper dry, then add another layer on top of the first. Repeat the process to add a third layer. Once dry, pop the balloon and pull out all of the balloon pieces. Poke a hole in the base of the pinata, thread a rope through the hole, and tie a knot in the end of the rope. Poke a hole through the center of several paper muffin cups, and thread the cups upside-down onto the top of the rope to create a top for the pinata. Consider threading small pieces of plastic chain or other bird toys onto the rope, tie the top of the rope to a clip, and fill the pinata with bird-safe treats,.

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