Home » Wild » DIY Litter Spear Tool
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DIY Litter Spear Tool

Keep wild critters safe by removing litter and other trash from the environment! Find a sturdy stick or remove a broom handle from a broom head to use as a stick. Cover a toilet paper roll inside and out with duct tape. Carve three grooves along one end of the stick, fit the head of a nail into each groove, then wrap the area with duct tape to hold the nails in place. Bend two nails in half and tape the nails onto the stick with the points of the nails against the stick to make a holder for the toilet roll. Hold the spear against a tennis ball, mark the locations where the nails touch the tennis ball and drill holes in the ball so it can be used as a cap for the spear between uses. Put the tennis ball in your pocket, spear a piece of trash, hold the trash over a trash bag or can, and remove the toilet roll from its holder to push the trash off the spear.

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